
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Worlds Largest Gold Ring Najmat Taiba

World's Largest Gold Ring - Najmat Taiba, This Gold Rings named Najmat Taiba was known as the World's Largest Gold ring today. this rings was belong to Deira Gold Souq in Dubai, The Size of this gold ring couldn't fit to any finger except for a giant. This Gold ring was weighing about 63.85kg, This gold ring made out of 21 carat gold. The Najmat Taiba (Star of Taiba) is made from 5.17kg of precious stones and 58.7kg of gold. While it cost $547,000 to make the ring back in 2000,

The world’s largest gold ring has 2,200mm perimeter, 700mm outer perimeter, 490mm inside diameter, 500mm back width and 250mm width of the ring bottom. It even comes studded with 615 pieces of Swarovski stones. It took 55 workers 45 days to make this piece, and they worked 10 hours a day, When they made this Najmat Taiba, the Gold Price was only $250 per ounce. Now the value of gold has gone up to $1,500 per ounce. Well i wonder about the price of this gold ring today since the gold price is increasing every year. See also our previous post about How to made a gold bars.

This Giant Golden Rings was also listed on the Guinness Book of World Records as the World's Largest Gold Ring ever, Well i wonder about the price of this gold ring today since the gold price is increasing every year.

Nowadays this Golden Rings Najmat Taiba has become a center of attraction for the gold enthusiasts. The Shop Owner use this to attract more customer to his shop and to sale his other collection. Here's the pictures of Najmat Taiba the World's Largest Gold Ring.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Painted Eye Makeup

Close your eyes and let the professionals apply incredible eye makeup. The result might be as fantastic as these eye makeup masterpieces.

Game Arthritis

What are the real effects of dig­i­tal gam­ing to our fin­gers, hands, and bod­ies?The con­for­mity of inter­faces pro­duces defor­mity. It’s a fact. Call it “the real­ity of the vir­tual”. Pro­longed vic­ar­i­ous aggres­sion lead to per­ma­nent phys­i­cal dis­fig­u­ra­tion. Gam­ing activ­i­ties pro­duce real con­se­quences for the users. Research has been con­ducted for years in sev­eral clin­i­cal lab­o­ra­to­ries across the globe but doc­tors and researchers are not will­ing to share their find­ings with the gen­eral pop­u­la­tion. How­ever, evi­dence of new technologically-​​induced dis­eases is now becom­ing known out­side of the sci­en­tific com­mu­nity. These patholo­gies — labeled col­lec­tively “Game arthri­tis” — are offi­cially not “recognized”.

Where to Hide One Million Dollars

The largest U.S. bill in circulation is the hundred dollar bill, and it takes 10,000 of those to make one million dollars. But it needs also as much space as 10 thousand 1 dollar bills. So here is a little experiment with 10,000 of 1 dollar bill. Let's see how much space would a million dollars take up and where you could hide it.

Old Photos of Japan

These are old shots of Japan taken mostly in 1886. These historical photos are magnificent. Very interesting to be able to learn a little about Japan's history. Old photos show us their life, traditions, simply how they used to live. But today there is a lot of weird photos from Japan. Enjoy!