
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sleep Anywhere With Sleep Suit

has recently unveiled his Sleep Suit inspired by Buckminster Fuller’s practice of Dymaxion Sleeping. Fuller believed that two hours of sleep a day was all that a person needed. Dymaxion sleeping involved four thirty-minute naps in a 24-hour period. The Sleepsuit is perfect for Dymaxion sleeping. However, there are concerns about how Dymaxion sleeping could affect the health.The Sleepsuit is made of a structural pleat that is composed of EVA foam. EVA foam is the same material that is used for padding and shock absorption in sports equipment. The foam material is used to support different parts of the body and make a person feel as if they are sleeping in a comfortable skin rather than a scary looking cocoon.

The Burning House What Would You Save from Your Burning House

is a neat photo project by Foster Huntington that asks this question, with photographs submitted by various people showing their most valuable possessions neatly arranged. It’s true that what makes the project interesting isn’t necessarily the object height='360' width='490'>

The Ideal Palace of Postman Ferdinand Cheval

Ferdinand Cheval was a postman from France who spent 33 years building the “Ideal Palace” in Hauterives. The Palace is regarded as an extraordinary example of naïve art architecture. It all began when he was walking his post route and found a stone that he thought had an inspiring shape. Over the next 33 years Cheval collected stones during his walks, first puttting them in his pockets, then a basket. and finally a wheelbarrow. He spent the first 20 years building the outer walls, binding the stones together with lime, mortar and cement.Cheval wanted to be buried in the palace and so when he had finished he proceeded to build himself a mausoleum. It took him eight years to complete, and a year upon completion he passed away and was buried in the mausoleum.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Finlands Igloo Village Kakslauttanen Restaurant in Snow

The Hotel Kakslauttanen in Finland is in fact an Igloo Village, at which you can have your pick of 20 unique glass and snow igloos for your stay. They aren’t ice houses, but 31 well-maintained log cabins – built from a very special thermo glass that keeps them warmth and comfortable. Because of that, the temperature inside the Igloos is always a normal room temperature and the igloos inhabitants won’t feel any of the polar cold.

Animals Acting Like People

Meet some animals who seem to have developed a few human characteristics and traits.Compilation of cute animals that are acting or dressing like humans. Let’s take a look.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Libyan Rebels Inside Muammar Gaddafi House

Libyan rebels have entered Muammar Gaddafi's house after breaking into his vast Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli what many believed the end of his 42-year rule. As with most dictator’s houses, it is lavishly furnished complete with a swimming pools and various artifacts.

Reuters reporters at the scene said rebels were firing shots into the air from within the compound in celebration. While it seems that the Gaddafi regime has all but collapsed, fighting continues and the whereabouts of Gaddafi and his sons are still unknown.

Surging Tide of Qiantang River China

The Qiantang river, running from the west to the Hangzhou Bay, is known for its tidal bore, caused by the tide rushing into the river from the bay.

The tide bore generally travels up more than 10 meters high. It is very dangerous but also creates the marvelous spectacle! Annually, lots of people from both home and abroad are attracted there to watch this natural wonder, and in Hangzhou, citizens living aroud the Qiantang River hold various activities to celebrate the International Tide Watching Festival, which opens August 16 in the Chinese Lunar Calendar every year.