
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Gold Mining in Indonesia

LOCAL GOLD OPERATIONS in Muslim Indonesia have come in for flak from religious figures saying Gold Mining is not suited to the geology, topology and topography of Flores and Lembata, as well as neighboring Indonesian islands, reports Commodity Online from Detusoko, Indonesia.

In a statement issued by the Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation Commission, it said the socio-cultural and economic situation of local people whose main livelihood is farming and fishing is severely affected by drilling and exploration work seeking Gold Bullion.

"To make mining a choice of strategic and urgent development for people on Flores and Lembata and the neighboring islands is counter-productive and destroys people's social, economic and cultural life," they said, maintaining that "mining benefits only companies instead of local people."

Mining, they said spoils the pristine land and sea, after which it is unsuitable for farming or fishing by local people. At present 30 mining companies operate on the islands.

Early this month a landslide triggered by heavy rain killed 10 gold miners in Indonesia's Southeast Sulawesi province. The accident raised the mining death toll in the area to 60 since early September.

Indonesia has some of the world's largest deposits of gold, tin, copper and nickel. Some world's biggest names in mining are in business in this country.

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