
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Beautiful Examples of Sunrise Photography

   Sunsets are some of the most beautiful things we have in life. Every single day is like a brand new beginning. You have to wake up early to seize the day, and catch the sun at one of it’s most beautiful moments. Apart from the heat, uvrays, and other bad things that the sun outputs, we should be really thankful for it. Without the sun we would only have night, and life would be dramatically different on earth. Apart from this sounding like a 3rd grade science class, we would like to provide you with some helpful tips and tricks for shooting sunsets.To start things of, please remember not to stare at the sun. Although it’s pretty to look at, the sun can cause serious damage to the eyes. Keep your self protected by wearing a hat, glasses, and sunscreen. Sorry to sound like your mother, but we want to make sure that you are safe while taking incredible pictures.  Your precious camera can suffer severe damage if it is pointed directly at the sun. Your zoom lens can accumulate the sun’s rays, while heating the insides of the camera and causing burn marks. So for all the newbies out there, this rule is very important to remember. Also if you are planning to go out and do landscape photography, we strongly suggest purchasing a tripod. Gotta keep the camera steady while taking the perfect shot, unless you want to come back tomorrow.General Tips and Tricks1. Time and Location:It’s a good thing to be prepared before you shoot. But how in the world do you know the exact time the sun rises, or goes down? We have a little neat tool that will help you calculate/give you an estimate . Timeanddate will provide the local time for dusk, dawn, twilight, sun distance, altitude and day length. So if you are the prepared time add this resource to your collection. Plus we are sure there are many mobile applications our for this as well. Remember, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. So finding a preferable spot the day before is vital for success!2. Arrive Early:Be sure to arrive at least one hour early at your designated location. By doing this, you are giving yourself a time cushion that will allow you to inspect the surroundings. That way when the sunrise rolls in, you will be ready to go. Also some of the richest colors can occur before the sun rises, thus giving you another perk for coming early.3. Keep Shooting:The more pictures you take, the more your chances will increase of getting high quality results. As the sun starts coming out, you should be taking pictures right at that moment in order to catch some of the best moments.4. Shoot Off-Center:Give more life to your sunset photos by positioning the horizon away from the center. Instead, keep it near the bottom of the camera to dramatically highlight the sky and show it’s rich colors. Also be sure to include an object height='360' width='490'>© All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by© All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by © All Rights Reserved by 
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