Very Interesting Optical Illusions
In which Direction does this Train travel?

These "fishes" may appear to be wiggling, but the only thing changing in this animation is the color.

Another "false spiral" -- actually a series of concentric circles, hard as it may be to believe. To prove that there's no spiral, try tracing your finger around one of the circles. You'll see that it never moves inward or outward.

Stare at the middle of the picture long enough, and the pink dots will disappear.

A variation on a classic illusion, this cat can be perceived as rotating in either direction. With practice, you can make it switch at will!

You should have experience viewing this kind of illusions if you are regular visitor. Just in case you aren't, let's repeat the steps… First, I want you to open this image full size, then move your head away from the screen as much as it takes for you to recognize the person hiding in it.

It is a wonderful optical illusion. You will feel that the rollers are moving.When you see this image carefully you will find that it is static.
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